Mt Pleasant High school modernization: Project consisted of remodeling 5 buildings at the Mt Pleasant High School in the East Side School District. We provided Architectural flashing as well as new HVAC to over 60 classrooms. Foothill Air Conditioning provided the controls and the project was commissioned.
Sacred Heart School: Project consisted of 4 new buildings with a mixture of package units and Daikin Variable Refrigerant Systems. This was a private project with a complex Energy Management system, LEED requirements and Commissioning.
Bascom Library: Project consisted of a new library and community center for the city of San Jose. The project was designed with Chilled water and Hot water Air Handlers with VAV boxes. This project was a public works project with commissioning and LEED requirements.
Orchard School Buildings H, I and J: Project consisted of the remodel of three buildings extremely fast track installing a new HVAC system using Mitsubishi City Multiple units. The project was completed in 60 days with commissioning and new energy management systems.
Lincoln Glen Manor: Project consisted of the remodel of two buildings at an assisted living center. New HVAC and controls were installed using Foothill Air Conditioning as part of the Design Build Team. The project was completed in phases so that the center would remain open. A new commercial kitchen was also part of the project.
Santa Clara Valley Medical Data Center: Project consisted of remodeling the existing data center to provide additional cooling as well as a more economical approach to the needs of the data center. The use of 100% outdoor air was introduced during the night and at appropriate temperature as well as providing 100% back-up systems to ensure the cooling for the data center would not go offline.